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I am so glad you are here. I am Brooke Ross, Founder and CEO of Dame Culture Studios. I am a mom, grandma, dog mommy, transformation coach, fashion lover, author, speaker, advocate, teacher, photographer and a queer feminist. I believe in telling my story so that I am transparent with you about my healing. As a woman who helps other women figure out their shit, I want to teach you how I figured out mine. There were plenty of challenges for me growing up with inconsistent parents, constantly moving to new cities and being raised in a very religious home. I was a teen mom and I survived a very abusive relationship. But I knew I had a calling, a spiritual pull if you will. Wanting to become more self aware led me to enroll in college where I earned my Bachelor’s degree in Criminal Justice with a minor in Women’s Studies. I fell in love with learning about women’s history. At the time, it was empowering for me to learn the system, but it was triggering my past. This degree, signified the beginning of my healing journey through self discovery, it was my therapy.




I believe in the power of women to transform their lives and create meaningful change. Your unique story and potential inspire me. I am dedicated to helping you achieve transformation, empowerment, balance, and personal growth. Let me show you how to heal.



  • Personalized transformational coaching sessions focused on empowering women to reach their full potential, overcome obstacles, and achieve their goals.

  • At Dame Culture Studios, we offer specialized training for therapists, life coaches and consultants to master the Dame Philosophy through immersive workshops, one-on-one mentoring, and comprehensive coursework. By the end of the program, participants will be equipped to teach and apply the Dame Philosophy, empowering other women on transformative journeys toward self-empowerment and healing.

  • Our keynote speaking services deliver powerful and inspiring presentations designed to empower women, addressing topics such as transformation, overcoming challenges, achieving personal and professional growth. Available for organizations, podcasts, groups, retreats and keynote events, these sessions provide actionable insights and dynamic storytelling to motivate and uplift audiences.

  • At Dame Culture Studios, we host transformative retreats that provide women with immersive experiences in personal growth, healing, and empowerment. Led by our founder, an expert in the Dame Philosophy, these retreats offer tailored workshops, inspiring environments, and deep, meaningful connections to help women reclaim their voices and embrace their worth.